Epic Battle Fantasy 3
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Epic Battle Fantasy 3

2,419,010번 플레이됨

로봇이 아님을 인증

투표해 주셔서 감사합니다. 귀하의 투표가 저장되었으며 잠시 후 표시됩니다.
게임 설명

Help heros Matt , Natalie, and Lance regain their powers to fight the ancient demon god that stole it from them, in the third edition of the Epic Battle Fantasy series. During this quest you will battle over 70 types of monsters, collect over 80 types of equipment, and use over 80 skills and spells. Talk to NPCs to gain tips and quest assignments that you will be rewarded for. Fulfill quests by collecting items for NPCs by battling monsters and checking treasure chests.

With each quest fulfilled you will gains rewards from the NPCs that will contribute to the development of the characters. During battles pay attention to each character's HP (hit points) and MP (magic points). If you run our of HP points you die and will have to be revived with coffee or revives, and you need MP to preform magic. You will also gain EXP (experience points) and AP (ability points) by winning battles. EXP helps characters gain levels, and AP helps them learn new skills and upgrade old ones. You can also upgrade equipment, which will multiply the players base statistics, add elemental to attack, boosts the power of certain skills, and other bonuses.

To attack a monster select a skill from the battle menu and a target to attack. Each character has different weapons and skills, but share items, so strategize depending on the foes you are facing. Different skills, items and spells are more effective with different monsters depending on their elemental properties. You can also select skills or spells that will increase a selected characters HP or MP, or select a skill or spell to protect one of the characters from monster attacks. The monsters will retaliate between each round of attacks or defenses by all three characters.

This fantasy game has an entertaining story line, great graphics, and an endless amount of skills, spells, items, monsters, and other aspects that keeps the game challenging and interesting.

카테고리: 전략 & RPG 게임
추가됨: 09 Dec 2011